Trauma is some of the worst experiences life has to offer. It's no wonder it's found to be in the background of many people seeking therapy. Whether you're looking for therapy to deal with the trauma directly, or to address how it's impacting an important area of your life, I'd like to help.
Many people think of abuse, rape, or war when they think of trauma. While they certainly are traumatic experiences, anything that sends a person into fight, flight, or freeze can be considered traumatic for that person.
What may have been a terrible experience for one sibling can be experienced as traumatic for another. We would understand together how your life experiences impacted you.
People who have experienced trauma may have any of the following:
Trauma counseling pays extra attention to timing. Push too fast, and the person can feel overwhelmed or re-traumatized. Don't push at all, and they may stay in the avoidance (which is part of the the natural coping of trauma) and stay stuck. I believe that the trauma therapy I have received has given me a special sensitivity to the nuances of trauma work.